Joe Ryckebosch

Meet Marietta artist and musician, Joe Ryckebosch!

Tell us a little about yourself!

There’s not a whole lot to say, really, the mechanics of my life are not very insightful. I create art as a means to assert myself. It is the only power I have. Whether it be fine art, skateboarding or playing drums. They all intertwine and work as a whole to make me more than the insubstantial physical being that I am. Most days bring forth some new, undiscovered direction, which is worth exploring.

What drew you to your craft?

Probably in the genetic makeup - my mom is an artist. I just started making fine art as a therapeutic tool. I whole heartedly agree with art therapy as a means to being happy. I didn’t even know what that was when I first started making these tape pieces, I just knew that it helped me be more present.

What is your favorite thing you have ever made?

In regards to tape art, it was probably this one piece I made back in Portland in 2009. It was cool. I should have saved it, but I sold it for less than I should have. It was an old architectural rendering/drawing of some suburban subdivision - I doctored it up with my tape and mixed media and it was rad. I hope whoever has it now has it displayed proudly somewhere. Tell them I want it back!

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Most likely a chemist. But I suck at math, and I didn’t have the proper brain for such a career. I used to mess around with chemistry sets when I was young. Absolutely obsessed with it.

How would you describe your creative process?

A lot of scheming, staring, and deliberating. Many hours spent with a good Exacto knife cutting strips of tape. Ignoring all until I have something ready to go. It helps settle the OCD.

What advice would you give yourself 10 years ago?

Stop moving around all over the country and stay put in a place you enjoy. I lost myself about a dozen times over the course of 10 years. Still looking…

Why is it important to support local artists and makers?

Because they are creating and making while the rest just sit and watch football games.

Why do you love doing what you do?

It is all I know. Someday it will get boring, I’m sure. But for now I find purpose in making my art because it is mine and only mine. Nobody tells me what to do or where to be. Again, it is my only power.

What advice do you have for other makers who want to start their own business?

Make sure you have your shipping logistics in order. I hate shipping art pieces because it is expensive and they often break. If you make things like I do with odd sizes, inconsistent weights, and weird dimensions, shipping is a nightmare. I’d say make cool, little things and maximize your product for minimal shipping effort. You will sleep better.

You can find Joe’s artwork in the shop! Each piece is an original, one-of-a-kind piece that will not be reproduced. Joe is also a member of local band Oyo, whose debut album we have in stock! Joe partnered with Bobby Rosenstock on the design of the album art - we have to say, it turned out wicked cool!

Find more of Joe’s work on Instagram!


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