Marisa Gentry

Meet Marisa Gentry, the fiber artist behind Risaโ€™s Cozy Creations!

Young woman with red and black hair styled in top buns wearing a plaid shirt

Tell us a little about yourself!

I have been married to my husband, Christian, for ten years and we have four beautiful kiddos. I have been a stay-at-home mom for most of those ten years. My life mostly revolves around my familyโ€™s crazy schedule! Always picking someone up or driving someone somewhere. But I wouldnโ€™t have it any other way! Iโ€™ve always been one to find a creative way to do something and that definitely shows in my mom life.

What drew you to your craft?

My mom taught me to knit when I was young and during the COVID-19 quarantine, I picked it back up. Then I taught myself to crochet with the help of Google and YouTube. I started with hats and scarves then switched to stuffed animals a year ago. With four helpers the ideas were endless.

A crocheted gold fish inside of a fish bowl with blue rocks

Describe your studio space. Where do you like to create?

I create whenever and wherever I can! On the couch watching a movie with the family. In the car waiting in the school pickup line. Or sitting at one of the many practices my kids attend.

What is your favorite thing you have ever made?

My favorite thing to make is pie turtles. Iโ€™ve made blueberry, cherry, key lime, and pumpkin!

Two crocheted turtles with blue and red shells

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a mom!

How would you describe your creative process?

I think of what I want to make and look at patterns. I grab a drink and turn on a show Iโ€™ve watched a thousand times. And then I just start making whatever it is and play the guessing game with my kids as I go. I love hearing all their crazy ideas.

What advice would you give yourself 10 years ago?

Maybe check out crocheting earlier.

Why do you love doing what you do?

It keeps my hands busy and my mind blank. A great way to just relax.

Why is it important to support local artists and makers?

Every item is one of a kind! When you buy something from a local artist or maker you are helping that person buy groceries and pay their electrical bill. You are helping moms and dads buy cleats and dance shoes and giving them more time with their kids.

You can find Marisaโ€™s hand-crocheted creations in the shop!

Find more of Marisaโ€™s work on her Facebook, and Instagram!


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