Marisa Jackson

Meet Marisa Jackson, the West Virginia artist behind Marisa Made!

Tell us a little about yourself!

Hi! My name is Marisa Jackson, and I am an artist residing in West Virginia! I work with several different mediums, but my favorites are currently watercolor, calligraphy, and digital. I graduated from Marshall University with a degree in Fine Arts and have an MBA from WVU. I work from my home studio while raising my three kids with my husband. My middle son, Maxwell, has a genetic condition called FOXG1 syndrome, and so my greeting cards I create for MarisaMade help to raise awareness for FOXG1 Research in hopes of finding a cure one day.

What drew you to your craft?

I have always loved to draw and paint ever since I was a kid, so there was nothing else I really wanted be except an artist! Calligraphy came as a nice surprise in 2014. I really wanted to know how to create beautiful letters and so I took a calligraphy class from Sharon Hanse and was hooked. I later joined IAMPETH and travel to calligraphy conferences yearly (when we are not in a pandemic).

What is your favorite thing you have ever made?

My favorite thing I have ever made is probably my animal alphabet water color print. It was the first piece I ever made for MarisaMade, and I created it for my son who loves letters.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

An artist, and for a short period of time, I wanted to be a Marine Biologist, but that was just because I loved Christian Lassen’s artwork.

How would you describe your creative process?

I do a lot of research prior to sketching. If it is for landscapes or floral paintings, I take photos and also look at dozens to get an idea of what I want to create in a sketch. If it is for a client, I do an interview to understand what exactly they are wanting and use their words to create a sketch. The sketch is the most important part of the process when I am ready to go to paper.

What advice would you give yourself 10 years ago?

Create more for fun. Don’t feel like every piece you create has to be a masterpiece. Explore what you love, even if it is not what is trending. If you love it, keep pursuing it.

Why is it important to support local artists and makers?

It honestly keeps us going! Every sale, every client matters. Small businesses also work together and when you buy from one, you might be helping support another. I love to collaborate with other brands and when one succeeds, we all succeed.

Why do you love doing what you do?

Creating is very relaxing for me, and also connects to a community of people outside my home. I also love hearing from customers and clients, and it is so fulfilling when something I have created makes an emotional connection with someone else.

What advice do you have for other makers who want to start their own business?

If you want to start your own business, start with one product, and build onto that once you have the hang of it. Do not feel obligated to offer tons of products when you open your shop; that comes with time. Start sharing your work on social media and let people see your process. Video reaches more people than a static image.

Find a way to track your revenue and expenses. I like Quickbooks self-employed- it’s fairly inexpensive and helps keep track of finances.

Create an email list where you can retain those who are interested in your work. A lead magnet or a monthly freebie can really help attract people to your email list. Make sure your offering aligns with what you are selling. (For example, years ago I created a huge comprehensive list of the best calligraphy supplies, and it was an awesome lead magnet. However, the people who signed up for the lead magnet were expecting calligraphy lessons, classes, but I wasn’t offering any. I was offering wedding services at the time. The lead magnet and what I was offering didn’t align, and those people did not convert into customers.)

If you are a fine artist, create in collections- pieces that will coordinate with one another. (This is something I am still working on refining. I have had several customers ask what they can pair with certain pieces, so create things that pair well together!)

Keep creating. Know that many business owners have experienced multiple failures before they have successes. Don’t quit! When you succeed it will be that much sweeter because you have worked so hard for it!

You can find Marisa’s artwork in the shop, including prints, cards, and stickers - and we are excited to be adding brand new designs next month!

Find more of Marisa’s work on Instagram, Facebook, and her website!


Logan Schmitt


Nevada Tribble