Betsy Spellman

Meet abstract artist and designer, Betsy Spellman!

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I have always had a strong sense of design and a need to channel it into creative activities. I paint, garden, cook, and love to decorate interior spaces. I even used design thinking in team building and graphic design to enhance my career as a legal marketer.

What drew you to your craft?

Abstract expressionism offers me endless possibilities for creative expression and doesn’t tether me to any particular reality. The artists who first worked in this style inspire me, as do so many contemporary artists working today - many of them women. I’m drawn to this genre because it requires me to rely on my instincts and chase out the fear of success. 

What is your favorite thing you have ever made?

My favorite creation is always my most recent one. I think that’s because I’m drawn to experimentation and am always trying to grow and learn. I’m trying to create something unique and authentic to me. Over time, and with practice and critical self-evaluation, I see progress and improvement in work I’ve just completed.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be an interior designer. I have always enjoyed designing my personal spaces. Now I really hope some interior designers will use my paintings in their designs!

How would you describe your creative process?

I work on several paintings at once, in series of 2-6, depending upon the size. This way, I can try out techniques and approaches faster and learn quickly. I begin by covering the canvas with completely random marks, lines and symbols. I choose a palette then cover the canvas with acrylic paint, working either light to dark or vice versa. Then I begin to refine the composition, and add more marks and paint until I feel satisfied the piece is finished. 

What advice would you give yourself 10 years ago?

Remember to make time to create on a daily basis because it fills a hole that nothing else fits. Creating art enriches all other aspects of life.

Why is it important to support local artists and makers?

Artists enrich our lives and our communities, yet their contributions are so often undervalued. Supporting artists with purchases and opportunities to display their art gives them the validation and financial support to continue to create, and builds more vibrant and attractive communities.

Why do you love doing what you do?

Painting abstracts allows me to express myself in the way I make the marks and brushstrokes on the canvas. In that way, the act of painting is as much the art as is the finished canvas. There is joy and freedom in trusting my intuition and visual design sense to create something uniquely my own. Bonus points when others like it too!

What advice do you have for other makers who want to start their own business?

I think understanding the audience for your work is key to determining how and where to market it. Once you hone in on your audience, a business strategy builds on that foundation. Because marketing oneself can be so challenging, finding people to support and help you is critical.

You can find framed, original pieces of Betsy’s work in our shop from four of her series!

Find more of Betsy’s work on Instagram and her website!


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