Craig Peterson

Meet Craig Peterson, the artist behind Artwork On The Run!

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

My name is Craig Peterson and I currently live in a small western PA town called Blairsville. I am a trail runner, a backpacker and lover of the outdoors, so that is why nature has a heavy influence on my artwork. I love to travel and see new places, so being able to go to different art festivals all over the country is a great way for me to explore and share my art. I have a degree in Exercise Science, but art has always been my passion and I am very happy that it has become my full-time job.

What drew you to your craft?

I have always been a creator. Art class in both elementary school and high school was my favorite subject, but other than being an art teacher or graphic designer I really had no idea all of the ways you could earn income as an artist. I really just stumbled upon doing craft shows and each one lead me to something new and I continued to grow my business. I had no intentions at first to do art full-time, but I quickly saw the benefits self employment had and I worked hard at building different income streams.

What is your favorite thing you have ever made?

It’s really hard for me to answer this one. I really like a lot of the paintings I have made over the years and I have made hundreds of paintings. I’ll make something new and think it’s my new favorite, but then a week or even day later I will paint something else and it becomes a new favorite. I think it’s too difficult for me to choose just one painting to be my favorite one.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I never really had a specific thing that I wanted to be when I grew up. I am just happy how everything has worked out though because now looking back I think all I really want when I grow up is a stable income and the freedom to travel which is exactly what art has given me.

How would you describe your creative process?

My creative process can look different from day to day. Sometimes I have a list of things I would love to paint, but I never paint them simply because I am not motivated to. I create better art when the creativity just happens on its own. Some mornings I wake up with no intention to paint, but then I see a photo and it sparks something and I start drawing out something new. Then within a few hours I have a new painting. Those always seem to be my best pieces. The ones that aren’t forced.

What advice would you give yourself 10 years ago?

I would tell my younger self to just go for it. If being a full-time artist is what you want to do then just put in the work and it will happen. And don’t be afraid to spend money on events, materials or even a van as it will all be worth it in the end.

Why is it important to support local artists and makers?

It’s important to support local artists because it really doesn’t take a lot to allow them to live a fulfilling life and allows them to keep creating. Handmade items and gifts are always more meaningful and special to receive than something from a big box store. I am always so grateful when I make any sale. It really can change my whole day just getting one online order or getting that first sale to kick off an art festival weekend.

Why do you love doing what you do?

I love doing what I do because of the freedom I now have. I can work when I want. I’ve been putting in a lot of work over the last 10 years to build what I have and now I am starting to reap the benefits. At times I can sit back and take a break, but other times I am working long days and creating a lot of art. The long days are always worth it though.

What advice do you have for other makers who want to start their own business?

Just go for it and make as much as you can. Just getting started is half the battle. After you start creating, then you can focus on a more narrowed subject or items to make. But at first, I suggest just simply start to create and put yourself out there. You’ll start learning what works for you and what sells. Then work on building multiple streams of income so that you are not solely relying on online sales or only sales from art fairs.

If you want to go full-time I highly recommend finding multiple ways to sell your work.

You can find Craig’s prints and coasters in the shop!

Find more of Craig’s work on Instagram, Facebook, and his website!


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