Cindy Fluharty

Meet Cindy Fluharty, the artist behind Inn Retrospect!

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I am a lifelong West Virginian. I grew up in a rural setting but have lived in Wheeling for the last 30 years. I am an attorney by trade and a collage artist at heart. I strive for an authentic life and am fulfilled by simple pleasures like reading, knitting, traveling, and last but not least...creating. 

What drew you to your craft?

Here is a secret... I have no traditional artistic talent. I cannot paint. I cannot draw.  Believe me! Lol. But, I kept having this yearning to create what I saw in my head, so I realized if I would cut and paste and create scenes, I could bring my ideas to life. And it worked! Once I started, the ideas kept flowing, and I have just been rolling with it for the last few years.

What is your favorite thing you have ever made?

This is a tough one... but I have to say it is the Art Deco butterfly lady collage that I paired with the quote from Anais Nin about the decision to bloom. I have made that collage several times and always do something different with it, but every time I make one, I go "yes" this is why I do this. I love the image and love that I can convey this sense of resilience through the collage so that someone will connect with it and realize it may be just the courage that person needs. 

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I think I knew from high school age that I would be part of the legal profession, though I never had enough self-confidence until I got to college to think I could be a lawyer. Aside from a real job, I always in the back of my mind wanted to pursue a side creative outlet. I knitted for years and years but it was while I was working really hard as an attorney, so I just did it for fun and therapy and made lots of baby hats for friends. It wasn't until I started to slow down during the pandemic that I realized the yearning for a creative gig had never gone away, and voila, all of these collage ideas started to emerge. The universe listens.

How would you describe your creative process?

I approach creation in two ways: either I read a quote and think of how I can bring the quote to life, or I find an image and I think about what he/she/it wants to say. Then, I figure out my medium, my papers, and I create a scene. 

What advice would you give yourself 10 years ago?

Maybe let yourself play? If I would have taken the time to sit down and clear my mind of the daily grind, I might have started this collage practice sooner. But, I truly believe everything happens when and as it should. I guess I would just have told myself 10 years ago to chill, that great things are ahead. There will be time to pursue dreams you haven't even imagined yet. 

Why is it important to support local artists and makers?

We pour our heart and soul into our work in an attempt to share beauty, joy, courage, love, and laughter. What local artisans make reflects the communities we live in. I think it is a symbiotic relationship because when authentic work is done, it will resonate on a local level. 

What advice do you have for other makers who want to start their own business?

Create what brings you joy. Put it out there and find your tribe. There is plenty of room at the table and what you find passion in will bring joy to someone else. 

You can find Cindy’s original collages, bookmarks, greeting cards and more in the shop!

Find more of Cindy’s work on Instagram, Facebook, and her website!


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